Depot & M&R

Storage, Mainterance & Repairing............

While operating containers worldwide we understand the pain of empty container storage and repairing. That is the reason we asked ourselves to get into the business of off-dock, empty container storage and repair & maintenance service provider. Beside our own stock, today we have many global multinational shipping and leasing corporations working with us.

Our depots have a respective land area, which enable us to store big inventory and can be stacked up to a maximum of 7-high. Our depots have possibilities to expand as much as we need. We operate with 16 forklift trucks for the handling of empty and full containers. Furthermore the empty handlers are suitable for carrying 40′ units simultaneously, giving maximum time-efficiency

Our Services:

Our container depots are capable of storing and servicing general purpose containers, reefer containers and other special equipment. We have a team of qualified surveyors who will access equipment condition and repair worthiness. Our cleaning, maintenance and repair works are subjected to rigorous internal quality and integrity checks in line with our customers’ requirements.

We also work proactively with our customers to better manage the control of their equipment, through adoption of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) interfacing and constant review of our work processes. Our wide range of container logistics services includes bonded warehousing and yard facilities, dedicated container transportation teams, hub-and-spoke management, container storage, maintenance and repair